
Album of photographs, mainly of cyclists, cycling clubs and bicycles

Collection of newspaper cuttings in 'Newspaper Cuttings' embossed album

Student notes entitled 'Electricity'

Notebooks on mechanical and electrical engineering

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Catalogue of Useful Inventions for Cotton Spinners, Manufacturers and for all textile trades

Laboratory Book of Sir Oliver Lodge

Album of photographs relating to Rockingham Gas Works and Bonners Green Alkali Works

Autograph letter from Otto Lilienthal to T J Bennett

Elementary Chemistry: Lecture Notes of Prof. A. W. Hofmann, Berlin, Germany

'Portfolio of photographs of Marine Engines, Boilers & Machinery'

Volume entitled: "Aerial Navigation"

Sviluppo di alcuni corpi Stereometrico Mineralogici secondo i celebri Autori Dufrenoy, Hauy, Mohs, Rose, Neumann

Journal describing Thomas Bowden's work as a jointer laying and repairing submarine cables

Portfolio of result traces, summaries of results and notes relating to repetition by Boys of the 'Cavendish experiment'

Notebooks kept by C.V. Boys when repeating the 'Cavendish Experiments'

Volume entitled: "Helical Epicycloids and Derivatives"

43 boxes

Archive of evidence for the Royal Commission on Technical Instruction

An edition of 'The Photogram' journal vol. 2 no. 17

The Book of Olde Manchester and Salford

192 photographic prints

Foulsham and Banfield Ltd Collection


Volume entitled 'List of iron, steel, and wood vessels built at the Birkenhead Iron Works'

Various patent documents and other items relating to Frederick Henry Smith

Drawing of 2-4-0T 3'6" Gauge Locomotive

Drawing of Cape Government Railway 3'6" Gauge Locomotive

Railway Signal Volume 3 (1885)

Total Abstinence Pledge Book

12 items

Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'

2 items

Pamphlets relating to the Thirlmere Water Scheme

Notes on phosphorous, tin and copper alloys

Notes and addresses

An Architectural and General Description of the Town Hall, Manchester

Total Abstinence Association Member's Card

Album documenting the laying of numerous submarine cables

Drawing of 5'3" Gauge Locomotive

The Harrison Knitting Machine New Illustrated Instructions

The Harrison Knitting Machine New Illustrated Instructions

1 box

Lantern slides of the solar system

2 sheets

Engineering drawings of Tower Bridge piers

1 item

An anti-vaccination leaflet titled, 'Pock-marked faces: A curious illusion'.


List of vessels fitted with marine engines


Notebook entitled 'Experimental testing of explosives in 1891 whilst an employee of Robert Tatlock of Glasgow by H. Ballantyne'


Advertising poster: 'Patent steam-pipe drawplate and peel ovens'

14 items

Collection of engineering plans for Tower Bridge from Wolfe Barry's office

My Machine 1888 II Plan of driving cams, levers, etc. in initial position.

My Machine 1889 III Development of driving cams.

Booklet - 'Manchester Corporation Waterworks. Hydraulic Power Supply'

A miniature portrait of A. E. Anthony

Seatings for accumulators at engine house

Details of jointing and riveting of girders at site.

Temporary staging